This article describes the various features of the Alert Admin screen, which you access by clicking >> Alert Admin. The Alert Admin screen is where you add new alerts or modify existing ones for your organization. Alerts are messages sent from your system to inform certain users of situations, such as a vehicle sending out a diagnostic message or a warning about a low battery.
Note: For information about the banner at the top and accordion menu on the left, see Navigating the Synovia Site.
Caution: Don't confuse the Alert Admin screen with the Alerts screen, which shows you the alerts you have received (which are the result of the event triggers and notifications you have set up on the Alert Admin screen); for details on checking the alerts that have been recently reported to Synovia by your vehicles' GPS devices, see Checking Your Current Alerts.
These are the options along the top right of the Alert Admin screen:
: Begins the process of adding a new alert for your organization. (See Creating a New Alert for details.)
: Refreshes the data on the screen (which can be especially useful if other users are making changes).
: Changes the active state for the selected alert (see the "Active" bullet below).
: Removes the selected alert from the system. (See Deleting an Alert for details.)
: Saves the data as a PDF you can print.
: Exports the grid data to an Excel spreadsheet.
Here is an explanation of the grid icons and column headers:
: Opens the Edit screen, on which you can modify the alert's properties. (See Reconfiguring an Alert for details.)
/Active: The alert's current state:
(active), which means that it is being used and is sending out notifications as it's set up to do, or
(inactive), which means that the alert isn't on — it's not looking for the triggering event and is not sending out notices. (See Inactivating an Alert for details.)
Note: You might make an alert inactive rather than delete it if you don't need it right now but think you might need it in the future.- Name: The name of the alert.
- Type: The type of activity the alert is notifying you about, such as a certain event occurring or the need for vehicle maintenance.
- Event: The GPS event that triggers the alert.
- Roles: The roles that receive the alert.
- Groups: The vehicle groups the alert applies to (often All Vehicles).
- Last Modified By: The user who last made a change to the alert's properties.
- Last Modified Date: The date and time of that last change.
Along the bottom of the screen are icons that enable you to navigate through the pages of data, if needed. See Paging Options for an explanation of these.