This article covers the various features of the CalAmp K-12 (formerly Synovia) site,
The default startup screen is Fleet Tracking, and it will display a map of your area.
Note: See Navigating the Fleet Tracking Screen for information about this screen.
Note: For details on how to change what screen loads when you first launch the site, see Changing Your Default Startup Screen.
At the top of the site, you will see the banner, which contains the following:
(site name): Click this to return to your default startup screen.
- Customer account name: Your organization's name will appear on the left side of the banner.
- Search: Type a search term and press Enter to find something on the K-12 site, such as an entity property. (See Performing a Search for more details.)
: Click this to open the Mail screen, which contains messages sent to (and from) your organization's MDTs (mobile data terminals) from the K-12 software. If the icon is green, you have unread messages from your drivers sent via the MDTs (and the number underneath indicates how many). If it is gray, all your mail has been read. (See Reading a Message Sent from an MDT for more details.)
Note: This will appear only if your organization has MDTs (formerly called tablets).
You may see twoicons if you have opted to have the Tablet Messages screen enabled. This page presents a list of all conversations to and from your drivers in the left pane and details of individual conversations in the right pane, including the subject, when the conversation began, and when it was acknowledged and by whom.
: Click this to open your list of current alerts. (See Checking Your Current Alerts for details.) If the icon is green, you have unacknowledged alerts (with the count below the bell). If it is gray, all your alerts have been acknowledged.
: Click this to access your user settings. (See the folder User Settings for details on changing these.)
: Click this to go to the K-12 ecommerce site, where you can purchase accessories and devices.
Note: This is not for replacement LMUs, which are covered by your monthly subscription fee (if that is how your contract is set up). See Returning Hardware and Obtaining a Replacement (Performing an RMA) for details on how to perform an RMA.: Click this to log out.
Just under the banner on the left of each screen is its title, which is "Fleet Tracking" in the preceding figure. And just under that is our site breadcrumb, which points out what screen you are on and its parent screen(s). The following two examples are the Fleet Tracking and Add New Season breadcrumbs.
When you hover your cursor over the icons on the left of the screen, the accordion menu appears.
These are the options on the menu (depending on what modules your organization has):
Favorites: You can mark your most commonly used screens as favorites so that you can access them quickly. (For details, see Adding Favorites and Viewing Favorites.)
Core: The Core menu is where you will find much of the fundamental K-12 functionality, including Fleet Tracking, Reports, Dashboards, and Vehicle History, plus Inspection Results (if performing vehicle inspections is part of your K-12 software solution).
Comparative Analysis: The Comparative Analysis menu is included if you have purchased this add-on module. It enables you to compare the actual operation of your vehicles against the assigned routes imported from your routing system, with live tools such as the School Monitor, Route Monitor, and Yard Monitor; Planned vs. Actual by Stop; and Substitutions.
HCTB: The HCTB menu is included if you have purchased Here Comes the Bus, which enables parents to track their students' buses and receive notifications when the bus is on the way, and contains methods for sending messages to all the account holders for a specific school or bus itinerary (HCTB Messaging), handling the accounts, managing settings, adding activities such as field trips parents can track, and creating activity categories.
Ridership: The Ridership menu is included if you have purchased Student Ridership, a student-tracking module that enables you to see when your students have scanned on and off the bus, and contains ways to track scan history, see live scan activity, and check bus attendance.
Engine Diagnostics: The Engine Diagnostics menu is included if you have purchased engine diagnostics (ED) hardware (such as LMU-42XX units with internal JPOD daughterboards), which can read fault codes and provide information when a problem occurs in the engine, and contains screens with information about your light-duty ED hardware (such as LMU-3030s) and heavy-duty hardware.
TAA Core: The Time and Attendance (TAA) menus are included if you have purchased the TAA module, which enables you to track and manage your employees' work shifts and export time card data for payroll integration. The first TAA menu, TAA Core, contains options for viewing the Work Monitor (which enables you to see which employees are currently clocked in and out), entering absences, exporting time, checking employee records, and viewing punch IDs.
TAA Time Cards: The TAA menus are included if you have purchased the TAA module. The second TAA menu, TAA Time Cards, contains options for viewing and editing time cards, adding group shifts, handling shift exceptions, and managing employee schedules.
MDT: The MDT menu is included if you have purchased CalAmp's MDTs, and contains Canned Messages, for handling the Quick Text on the devices; Defect History, to see what items failed during driver inspections; and Work Orders (if enabled), to manage work orders created from failed inspection items.
System Administration: The System Administration menu contains many utilities that your system administrator will use, including options for managing your fleet’s alerts, groups, users, roles, vehicles, locations, and zone categories — plus Inspection Setup, which enables you to create inspection forms that you publish for your drivers to fill out on the MDTs in their vehicles.
TAA System Administration: The TAA menus are included if you have purchased the TAA module. The third TAA menu, TAA System Administration, contains options for changing your TAA settings, handling employee and job types, creating departments and department groups, adding absence types, setting up company holidays, and customizing your TAA Portal and MDT settings.
Preferences: The Preferences menu includes options for customizing various K-12 features, such as events, vehicle types, account settings, and report views.
Note: You may not see all the options on the menu below. Many users can see only Report Views, Broadcast Message, WMS Layers, and Route Sets.Service Manager: The Service Manager menu includes options to create and maintain service records for your vehicles, including logs of when services were performed in the past, when the next service will need to be performed, and the costs of the services.
Work in Progress: Anything you are working on in the K-12 site will be saved here, in the middle of the process, so that you can start a task at one time and come back later to complete it. If you have work in progress, the icon and text will become yellow, and the number of items to be finished will appear in parentheses after "Work in Progress."
Help & Training: The Help & Training menu is where you'll find links to the help documentation (User Guide) in which this article is located, as well as other options:
- User Guide: Opens the CalAmp K-12 Knowledge Base (the help documentation this article is part of) on a new tab.
- Training Videos: Leads to a list of videos about using the K-12 site, the MDT, and Here Comes the Bus.
- Webinar Schedule: Directs you to a list of our upcoming webinars.
- Open a Case: Launches the CalAmp K-12 Support Help Center, which you can use to report an issue you're having with the platform.
- User Guide: Opens the CalAmp K-12 Knowledge Base (the help documentation this article is part of) on a new tab.
If you've noticed that one icon on the left side of the accordion menu is highlighted in teal, you've found our visual breadcrumb, which was designed to show users to which menu group their current screen belongs. For example, if you're on the Hardware screen, the breadcrumb will highlight the Core icon because Hardware is part of Core, as shown in the following figure.