At the top of every CalAmp K-12 screen is a Search box, in the site banner. CalAmp K-12's Search feature returns all sorts of data, including group, vehicle, location, inventory, user, itinerary, route, student, and boarding card. In addition to searching for names, you can search for object properties such as VINs, phone numbers, ESNs, and itinerary numbers.

If you perform an advanced search, you can also search for entity properties. For details, see the section "Performing an Advanced Search," later in this article.

To perform a search, follow these steps:

  1. Type your search criteria in the Search box.
    Note: The search is by default a Contains type, which means that if the letters or numbers you enter are anywhere within an item, it will be included in the results. You don't need to use any wildcard characters.
  2. Press Enter.
    The Search Results screen will appear and display how many results there are in each category, such as Groups (0), Vehicles (2), Landmarks (0), Schools (0), Yards (0), Inventory (4), Users (0), Itineraries (1), Routes (3), Students (0), and Boarding Cards (235) in the example below.
  3. Click the tab with the category you want.
    The results in that category will be displayed.
    The icons on the left of each row open up various screens with the found item's data. Here are the screens that open from each category's options:
    GroupsFleet Tracking, watching the group live

    Edit Group
    VehiclesFleet Tracking, watching the vehicle live

    Vehicle History, with the vehicle already selected

    Edit Vehicle
    LandmarksMap Nearby, with the landmark's address selected

    Edit Location
    SchoolsMap Nearby, with the school's address selected

    Edit Location
    YardsMap Nearby, with the yard's address selected

    Edit Location
    InventoryFleet Tracking, watching the vehicle in which the LMU is installed live
    Note: If the device isn't currently installed in a vehicle (such as one of the spares CalAmp provides or one that is being RMA'ed), this icon will be disabled.

    Edit Inventory
    UsersEdit User
    ItinerariesPlanned vs. Actual by Stop, with the itinerary's PvA data mapped for the day

    Itinerary Details, displaying the routes and tiers in the itinerary, assigned school, current vehicle, when the most-recent tier was supposed to begin and end, and its status
    RoutesPlanned vs. Actual by Stop, with the route's PvA data mapped for the day

    Route Details, displaying the route's tiers, assigned school, current vehicle, when the most-recent tier was supposed to begin and end, and its status
    StudentsStudent Schedule, with the student's assigned bus route, stop, and school, plus bus stop times and the current ETA for the bus

    Student Details

    Rider History, with the student already selected
    Boarding CardsNote: This tab doesn't have icons on the left that open related screens; instead, it displays a grid with boarding card data, including card ID numbers and the first and last names of the students.
  4. Click the icon of the screen with the information you need.

Performing an Advanced Search

To perform an advanced search, follow these steps:

  1. Type any text in the Search box.
    Note: Your search criteria won't carry over to the Advanced Search screen.
  2. Press Enter.
    The Search Results screen will appear. 
  3. Click  at the top right.
    The Advanced Search screen will appear.
  4. Click the Type drop-down arrow and select the category in which the entity property fits, such as Vehicle.
    Note: These types correspond to the ones on the tabs in the standard search results.
    The Property drop-down list will become populated with only entity properties that apply to the category you selected.
  5. Click the Property drop-down arrow and select an entity property, or All if your search could match more than one.
  6. Type your search criteria in the Search Term box.
    Note: The search is by default a Contains type, which means that if the letters or numbers you enter are anywhere within an item, it will be included in the results. You don't need to use any wildcard characters.
  7. Click Search.
    The search results will appear in a grid, with the same icon options for the category as delineated in the table after step 3 in the preceding section.
  8. Click the icon of the screen with the information you need.