CalAmp Vision is a video-telematics solution that includes a camera device (with one lens facing the road and the other facing the driver) in your buses that will return video files to CalAmp K-12 you can view within the software. There are multiple ways to see a vehicle's recorded video events — on the Tracking or Vehicle History screen, on the Video Events screen, and on the Video Requests page. (See Viewing Your Videos, Viewing a CalAmp Vision Video Capture on the Fleet Tracking or Vehicle History Screen, and Viewing Requested Videos for details.)
What Is Required in Order to Set Up the Vision Device?
When your school district purchases CalAmp Vision, each camera will be added to the CalAmp K-12 software as a Vision Camera equipment item, which you will be able to view on the Other Equipment tab of the System Administration >> Inventory screen (if you have admin rights).
When the CalAmp installer performs the camera installation, they or another CalAmp representative will also make the bus/equipment association in the application. If, for some reason, you are doing an install (perhaps as part of a swap-out of a device), you must go to the camera’s Additional Equipment Details screen and set its assigned bus via the Vehicle drop-down list. (See Adding a Vision Camera.)
What Are the Audio Alerts?
The Vision camera will audibly alert the driver of certain conditions (such as the fact that a new trip has begun or ended) or that they have committed an infraction (such as tailgating), as follows:
Note: Don't be confused by the term alert: These aren't alerts you configure in CalAmp K-12 to be sent to users to warn them of issues with your buses or drivers. Rather, these are statements that the camera will actually SAY to the driver — and they cannot be turned off.
- The start of the trip
Note: This audio alert just indicates that the Ignition On event has been detected. This doesn't mean the start of a tier/route, which isn't officially begun until the tier start event occurs (often the vehicle leaving its assigned yard). - The end of the trip
- The camera shutting down
- Tailgating
- Exceeding the speed limit of a school zone
- Exceeding the speed limit by 5 mph
- Speeding in excess of 75 mph
- Driving while distracted
- Drowsy driving
- Using their cell phone while driving
The camera statements are simple, such as “Speeding violation detected,” “School zone detected,” “Speed upper limit reached,” and “Shutting down.”
Note: For answers to frequently asked questions about CalAmp Vision, go to CalAmp Vision FAQs.