On the Attendance screen, you can track student bus-riding activity, including the students' names, when and where they scanned on and off, and their bus route information. This is particularly useful if you need to report route attendance for reimbursement from other agencies, such as Medicaid.
Note: You will only have the Attendance screen if your organization has the Student Ridership module. See An Introduction to Student Ridership for more information.
This article describes the various features of the Attendance screen, which you access by clicking >> Attendance.
Note: For information about the banner at the top and accordion menu on the left, see Navigating the Synovia Site.
These are the options at the top right of the screen:
- From and To: These date pickers enable you to select the date range of student scans you'd like to view. (See Viewing Attendance Records for details on how view attendance for specific dates.)
: Reloads the data on the screen. Clicking this is necessary after selecting new dates using the From and To date pickers to see the scans for the new dates.
: Brings up settings in which you can choose the student name format, how you want scan counts to appear, and to generalize column data (such as replacing the default value of a timestamp with "Signed" or "Not Signed" in the Driver PIN column).
: Saves a customized layout view (such as if you have reordered the columns according to your preferences) of the Attendance screen. (See Customizing Your Attendance Screen View for details.)
: Restores the default view for the columns on the screen.
: Opens a dialog box that enables you to add new columns of data or remove some of the default ones. (See Customizing Your Attendance Screen View for details.)
: Saves the grid data as a PDF you can print.
: Exports the grid data to an Excel spreadsheet.
Here is an explanation of the grid's icon and column headers:
: Opens the Rider History screen for the student and displays their scan activity for the dates specified in the From and To fields on the map. (See Mapping a Student's Scan History for details.)
- Student Name: The student's name as it appears in your system.
- Student ID: The student's school district ID number.
- DOB: The date the student was born.
- Location: Where the scan event occurred.
- School: The school the student attends.
- Stop Name: The bus stop where the scan occurred; the bus stop name will be as it is listed by your route planning system.
- Itinerary: The itinerary assigned to the bus the student was riding.
- Route: The route name.
- Driver: The name of the employee driving the bus.
- Bus: The bus name/number.
- Specific dates (such as 9/11, 9/12, and 9/13 in the figure above): The dates you entered in the From and To field, with the number of scan events for the student for that route. (A value of 2 is ideal, indicating that the student both scanned on and off.)
Along the bottom of the screen are icons that enable you to navigate through the pages of data. See Paging Options for an explanation of these.