When viewing student bus-riding activity on the Attendance screen, you can customize what is displayed, including adding or removing columns and rearranging where they are onscreen. And you can save your new layout so that the screen will always appear according to your preferences.
Note: You will only have the Attendance screen if your organization has the Student Ridership module. See An Introduction to Student Ridership for more information.
For details about the Attendance screen, go to Navigating the Attendance Screen.
For the steps to simply check your student rider attendance, go to Viewing Attendance Records.
To personalize your Attendance screen view, follow these steps:
- Click
>> Attendance.
The Attendance screen will appear and list each student that scanned on a bus today.
- To add or remove columns, click
at the top right.
The Show Columns dialog box will appear.
- Find the column(s) you want to add or remove using the scroll bar.
The available columns are organized by these categories:
- Student Fields: Records related specifically to the students, including their student ID number, date of birth, grade, whether they need a wheelchair, and the distance from their home bus stop to their school (using the most direct route, which won't necessarily be the route the bus follows).
- Planning Fields: Data that is pulled from your route planning system, such as the school the student attends, their stop name, and assigned route.
- Driver Fields: Information related to the bus driver, such as their name, department, job type, and employee type.
- Vehicle Fields: Details about the bus — for example, its name, primary group, and vehicle type.
- Student Fields: Records related specifically to the students, including their student ID number, date of birth, grade, whether they need a wheelchair, and the distance from their home bus stop to their school (using the most direct route, which won't necessarily be the route the bus follows).
- Select an empty check box of any column you want to include and deselect any checked columns you don't want to appear.
- Click Apply.
- To change the order of the columns, click and drag the header of a column you want to move from its current location to the new one.
- Repeat step 6 for all the columns you want to reposition.
- To save the layout view you just created, including the changed fields and rearranged columns, click
at the top right of the screen.
Now, every time you log in to Synovia and open the Attendance screen, your custom view will be displayed.
Note: Any filters you applied via the Filters drop-down box will not be saved as part of your layout.
Note: If you decide in the future that you want to return to the default view, with only its original columns and layout displayed, you can clickat the top right. Your customized view will be discarded.