This article describes the various features of the Vehicles screen, which you access by clicking >> Vehicles. This lists all the vehicles in your fleet database by name and ESN (electronic serial number).
Note: For information about the banner at the top and accordion menu on the left, see Navigating the Synovia Site.
These are the options at the top right of the screen:
: Launches a tool with which you can merge duplicate vehicles into one entity. (See Merging Duplicate Vehicles for details.)
: Enables you to change a single property, such as Vehicle Type, for multiple vehicles at once. (See Updating a Field Property for Multiple Vehicles at Once for details.)
: Begins the process of updating four basic property fields (vehicle name, driver name, VIN, and license plate) for multiple vehicles. (See Bulk Loading Updates to the Basic Vehicle Properties for details.)
Note: If the bulk loading procedure seems complicated, we recommend contacting your Synovia customer success manager for assistance.: Opens a screen that enables you to add a new vehicle to your fleet. (See Adding a Vehicle for details.)
: Refreshes the data on the screen (which can be especially useful if other users are making changes).
: These toggle between displaying all the vehicles in the list, including inactive ones (Show Inactive Vehicles), and preventing inactive ones from being seen (Hide Inactive Vehicles).
: Retires a vehicle from service. (See Retiring a Vehicle for details.)
: Deletes a vehicle.
Note: Synovia recommends retiring rather than deleting a vehicle. When you retire a vehicle, all its vehicle history and data is kept, which you might need to access later, whereas when you delete a vehicle, you have no way to see its past data. We recommend deletion only if a vehicle was added in error. (See Deleting a Vehicle for details.): Saves the data as a PDF you can print.
: Exports the grid data to an Excel spreadsheet.
Here is an explanation of the grid icons and column headers:
: Opens the Edit Vehicle screen, on which you can modify the vehicle's properties. (See Managing a Vehicle's Properties for details.)
/Active: The vehicle's current state:
(active), which means that it is being used and is reporting data, or
(retired), which means that it has been removed from service and thus just shows historical data.
- Name: The name of the vehicle, usually a number.
- ESN: The GPS device's electronic serial number, which is a unique numeric identifier for the unit.
- Primary Group: The primary fleet group the vehicle is assigned to.
- Yard: The yard the vehicle is assigned to.
- Managed By: Where the data for the vehicle is pulled from. If it's from the routing system, any route changes must be made in that routing system to take effect.
- Last Modified By: The user who last made a change to the vehicle, such as updating its properties or state.
- Last Modified Date: The date and time of that last change.
Along the bottom of the screen are icons that enable you to navigate through the pages of data. See Paging Options for an explanation of these.