On the HCTB Ride Requests screen, you can view ride cancellations submitted by HCTB app users for their students and can delete requests as needed (see Removing a Cancel-a-Ride Request).

Note: The HCTB menu is available only if your organization has purchased both Comparative Analysis (CA) and Here Comes the Bus (HCTB). Also, the Ride Requests screen will be part of your software solution only if you have the add-on HCTB Cancel-a-Ride feature. If you don't have these modules and would like to add them, contact your customer success manager (CSM).

The Cancel-a-Ride screen was introduced to the HCTB app in release 3.6, so only account holders using that or a higher version will be able to enter ride cancellation requests. This app page was designed to enable parents to inform the school that their students won’t be riding the bus for specific routes (such as the AM or PM ride) on certain dates.

In addition, parents using HCTB app version 3.6.2 or higher will be able to submit ride cancellation requests for the same day. (Versions 3.6 and 3.6.1 will allow only next day or later requests to be made.)

To see the bus ride cancellation requests that have been submitted for your school district, follow these steps: 

  1. Click  >> Ride Requests.
    The HCTB Ride Requests screen will appear.
    By default, submitted ride cancellations will be displayed for the next six months.
    You can change the date range as follows:
    1. Click the From calendar picker at the top right of the screen and select the first date of cancellation requests you want to see.
    2. Click the To date picker and select the last date.
    3. Click .
      The new dates of requests will appear.
  2. You can scroll down to view all the ride cancellations.
    Note: They are listed chronologically by the date and time they were last changed (using the Last Modified Date column), with the most recent on top.
  3. If there is one cancellation request in particular you want to check, you can locate its row by filtering the Student column for the student's name (see Sorting and Filtering Column Data if needed) or by selecting just the date it was made for in step 1.
    Upon launch, the HCTB Ride Requests screen shows only ride cancellations that are still active.
  4. If you also want to view requests that were deleted (either by a CalAmp K-12 user or the HCTB account holder), click  at the top right of the page.
    Note: You can return to seeing only open requests by clicking .

Here is an explanation of the grid icon, column headers, and other top-right icons:

  • : Begins the process of removing the ride cancellation request. (See Removing a Cancel-a-Ride Request for details.)
  • Request ID: A numeric designation provided by the system. You can ignore this value.
  • Student: The name of the student who requested the ride cancellation.
  • School: The school the student is assigned to.
  • Date Range: The date(s) the student won't be riding the bus for a run.
  • Duration: The total number of days the student will be skipping a bus ride.
  • Time of Day: The time of day (AM, MID, PM, or Full Day) the skipped run is part of.
  • Status: The state of the ride cancellation request. A value of Submitted indicates that it is still active; Canceled by Admin or Parent means that the request was deleted (either by someone in your school district via CalAmp K-12 or by the parent themselves).
  • Reason: The reason the student won't be riding the bus, as selected by the parent when they entered the request: Sick, Suspended, Death in Family, or Other.
  • Notes: For active requests, this will be the explanation entered by the parent if they selected Other. (Note that entering this is optional.) For deleted requests, this can also include the reason the CalAmp K-12 user added when they removed the request.
  • Submitted By: The HCTB account holder who initially entered the ride cancellation request.
  • Last Modified By: The user who last made a change to the request.
  • Last Modified Date: The date and time of that last change.
  • : Saves the grid data as a PDF you can print.
  • : Exports the grid data to an Excel spreadsheet.

Along the bottom of the screen are controls that enable you to navigate through the pages of data, if needed. See Paging Options for an explanation of these.