On the Employees screen, you can view employee data, one record at a time, including employee ID, hire date, email, phone number, department, employee type, punch ID, and FTE (full-time equivalent) value, as follows:

Note: For most Time and Attendance (TAA) customers, employee records are imported nightly via a file provided by your payroll company. (The file transfer setup is one of the TAA implementation steps taken early on in the TAA initiation process.)
For information about Time and Attendance (TAA), go to An Introduction to Time and Attendance. For details about the TAA user interface, see Navigating the Time and Attendance Module.

  1. Click  >> Employees.
    Your first employee record will appear, alphabetically by last name.
    The fields you see will depend on your TAA setup and the data included in your employee records import from your payroll company.
  2. To scroll through the employee records, one by one, you can click to the right of the employee's name at the top left of the screen (and  to go to the preceding record).
  3. To locate a specific employee's data, you can select the employee's name at the top left of the screen, type part of the name you want, and click the name in the short list that appears.
    Note: Alternatively, you can click the drop-down arrow to the right of the employee's name at the top left of the screen, scroll through the list, and select the name you want.
    You can also display employee records by department as follows:
    1. Click  to the left of the employee's name at the top left of the screen.
    2. If the department you need is a subdepartment, you may need to expand your top-level one (and keep expanding until you see the department name you need).
    3. Click the check box to the left of the department name(s).
    4. Click Apply.
      As you scroll through the records (using and ), only employees in the department(s) you selected will appear.

Although the included sections will vary according to your TAA setup, every customer will have these:

  • General: Shows basic employee information, such as last name, first name, and email address, and enables you to change the selected employee's TAA Portal/Synovia app password.
  • Punch ID Assignment: Displays the employee's currently assigned punch ID (what they use to clock in and out) and enables you to enter a new ID, if needed.
  • Employee Type History: In the grid, shows the employee's current and past assigned employee types (plus the start and end dates they had each type), and above that, enables you to change their employee type.
  • Employee FTE: In the grid, shows the employee's current and past FTE values (plus the start and end dates they had each value), and above that, enables you to change their FTE.
    Note: The FTE value denotes what percentage of a full-time week the employee works. For example, if an employee works 20 hours in a 40-hour work week, the FTE value will be 50; a full-time employee will have 100.
  • Status: Displays the employee's current work state — Active if they are working for your organization now and Inactive if they are a past worker — and enables you to change that value.