Using the Schools drop-down panel in Fleet Tracking, you can track vehicles based on what school they are assigned to for different times of the day. To do so, follow these steps:
Note: The Schools panel appears on the Fleet Tracking screen only if your organization has purchased the Comparative Analysis (CA) module. (See An Introduction to Comparative Analysis for more information about CA.)
- Click
>> Fleet Tracking.
The Fleet Tracking screen will appear and display a map of your area.
- At the top of the map, click the Schools drop-down arrow.
Initially, just your customer name will appear at the top of the tree (or names, if you are a consortium customer and have access to more than one account).
- Click the expansion arrow of the customer name containing the school whose vehicles you want to track.
All the schools in the district will appear.
- Click the expansion arrow for the school, if you want to track buses for a particular tier.
Note: To track all the vehicles assigned to a particular school, click the check box to the left of its name. Or you can type part of its name in the Search bar and wait a few seconds. - Click the time of day for the tiers you want to see, which by default is set as follows:
- AM: From midnight to 10:00 a.m.
- MID: From 10:00 a.m. until 1:30 p.m.
- PM: From 1:30 p.m. until 11:59 p.m.
Note: You can track just one specific run by expanding the time of day (such as AM) and selecting that tier.
- AM: From midnight to 10:00 a.m.
- The vehicles for the time of day, tier, or school you selected will appear on the map, and their tracking information will appear in the grid beneath the map. If you selected a school or your customer name, only the vehicles for the current time of day will be displayed.
Note: To make the Schools panel disappear, click anywhere outside of the pane (or click Schools again).
Fleet Tracking will automatically begin watching the vehicles in real time (called Watch Live). To turn off the Watch Live feature, clickin the map toolbar at the top right. (See Watching Vehicles Live for more information.)
See Tracking a Vehicle for descriptions of the grid column headings.
See Customizing the Grid Layout to customize the vehicle results grid columns or Sorting and Filtering Column Data to sort and filter the data.
Note: If you want to make the map bigger, you can click to make it full-screen.
If you'd like to make the results grid bigger, you can click and drag the green divider line above it up.
See Navigating the Fleet Tracking Screen for an explanation of the icons at the top right and other map features.