Dashboards provide key information about your fleet's overall performance in an at-a-glance view with various types of charts (such as gauges, bar charts, and pie charts), grid data, and links to the underlying reports. CalAmp K-12 currently includes a handful of Dashboards out-of-the-box, but more are planned for future releases.
You also can create your own Dashboards with just the data you need; see Creating a Custom Dashboard for details.
To view one of CalAmp K-12's Dashboards, follow these steps:
- Click
>> Dashboards.
The Dashboards screen will appear.
By default, Favorite Dashboards will be selected. (For details on adding a Dashboard as a favorite, go to Adding a Dashboard As a Favorite.)
- If one of your favorites is what you want to view, click its name in the list on the right and skip down to step 6.
- To see all the available Dashboards, click Synovia Dashboards.
Note: Alternatively, you can click a category of Dashboards under Synovia Dashboards. At the time of this writing, the only category available is At-a-Glance, but in the future, there will be several categories, such as Core.
All of CalAmp K-12's built-in Dashboards will appear in a list on the right, plus any custom ones you've created for yourself (see Creating a Custom Dashboard).
- To see what tiles are comprised in a Dashboard, you can click
to the left of its name. Or you can click
to the left of Show All Tiles to display what's included in all the Dashboards.
- Click the name of the Dashboard you'd like to view.
Currently, these are the available prebuilt ones:
- CA: Details about the Comparative Analysis (CA) module, including substitutions counts, CA import success rates, and the status of the last import. (See Exploring the CA Dashboard for more details.)
- Hardware: An overview of the status of your fleet's hardware, including percentage values of how many of your vehicles and peripherals are reporting, how many vehicles are having cellular issues, and how many have GPS problems. (See Exploring the Hardware Dashboard for details.)
- HCTB: Here Comes the Bus statistics, such as a graph of the counts of each type of notification that was sent out over the last 30 days, how many accounts are being affected by nonreporting hardware, and how many have students with no assigned bus stops. (See Exploring the HCTB Dashboard for details.)
- CA: Details about the Comparative Analysis (CA) module, including substitutions counts, CA import success rates, and the status of the last import. (See Exploring the CA Dashboard for more details.)
- You can click Refresh Now at the top left of the Dashboard to reload its data.
Note: To the right of the Refresh Now button is the date and time of the most recent data refresh (the "Last Refresh" value), and to the right of that is when the next refresh is planned (the "Next Scheduled Refresh" value).
You can click Schedule Refresh at the top left to change when the data will be refreshed (daily, weekly, or monthly and at a time of your choosing).
- To see the report that provides the data for a tile, click
at its top right.
The report will appear on a new tab (depending on your browser settings).
These are the other options at the top right of each tile:
: Removes the tile from the Dashboard (after you confirm the deletion).
: Launches the Tile Properties window, in which you can rename the tile and select a different report to base the results off of.
: Opens the settings for the tile, in which you can redefine its layout, change its component data, and change the formatting, such as the color that represents certain values.
These are the options at the top right of the Dashboards:
: Removes the Dashboard from the system (after you confirm the deletion).
: Opens the settings for the Dashboard, in which you can change its name, choose who can view the modified Dashboard, and redefine its layout.
: Launches a window that enables you to choose a new type of tile to add to the Dashboard.
: Exports all the Dashboard's tiles to a PDF.