If you have the Comparative Analysis (CA) module, you will need to map itineraries from your planned routing system to Synovia entities. You can use the Itinerary Mapping tab of the Mapping screen to assign vehicles in Synovia to routes from the planning system individually or in bulk.
Note: For more information about mapping, see An Introduction to Mapping. For more information about Comparative Analysis, see An Introduction to Comparative Analysis. To see how to link vehicles to your planning system's routes one by one, see Performing Itinerary Mapping.
To bulk upload the default vehicle assignments, follow these steps:
- Click
>> Mapping.
The Mapping screen will appear and display the Entity Mapping tab.
- Click the Itinerary Mapping tab.
- Click the District drop-down arrow and select the district (if you have more than one).
A list of your itineraries will appear in a grid.
- Click the Bulk Load button.
The Bulk Load dialog box will appear.
- Click Download File.
Template.csv will be downloaded and appear at the bottom left of your browser (depending on your browser).
- Open the Template.csv file in Excel.
It will look similar to this:
- Fill in the vehicle assignments for each blank Vehicle field.
Note: The default vehicle is usually the same number as the itinerary number, but not necessarily the same as the itinerary ID. - Save the file, keeping the CSV format.
- In Synovia, in the Bulk Load dialog box, click Choose File.
- Navigate to where you saved the CSV file and select it.
- Click the Start Date date picker and select the date all the assignments should begin.
- Click Upload File.
The file will be processed, and the assignments will be created.
- Review the Itinerary Mapping tab when the assignments are completed to verify that the correct assignments were made.