The standard reports that are available to you will vary, depending on what CalAmp K-12 components your organization has chosen and your user role. To see your reports, click >> Reports.
Your most recently run reports will appear by default.
To see all the available reports (outside of the Time and Attendance [TAA] reports), click Synovia Reports in the Report Categories pane. You'll see lists on both the left and right that are organized into categories. On the left, you'll see the main groupings, such as Core and Engine Diagnostics; on the right, each report will be expanded to show all the specific reports available for its type.
You can use the scroll bar on the left panel to locate the category you want. Click it on the left to see its reports, such as the Core classification.
Below you will find a description of the report types in the Synovia Reports category.
Note: If you have the TAA module and would like to see what TAA reports you can run, go to What TAA Reports Are Available?.
The Core Reports
The following table contains descriptions of the Core reports.
Report Type | Description | Note |
Alerts | Provides information about event alerts and the associated vehicles | |
Cellular | Reports how strong cellular coverage is in your area (with categories Excellent, Good, Fair, Poor, and No Signal), listed by primary group, group, and vehicle | |
Driver Performance | Provides a means of evaluating overall driver performance | These reports are available only if your organization has enabled the TAA module. |
Driver Summary | Provides a daily summary of driver activity between clock events | These reports are available only if your organization has enabled the TAA module. |
Event Count | Provides a detailed count of events | |
Hardware Health | Provides information about units that have not reported to the database | |
Heat Maps | Displays maps in your area of cellular coverage strength, the number of satellites being picked up, idling events, speeding, and alerts | |
Idle | Provides information about vehicle idling | |
Input Time and Mileage | Provides information about input events, including duration and mileage | |
Inspection | Provides data about pre/post inspections or indicated defects | The Vehicle Inspection reports require the Inspections license to be enabled for your account (often in combination with MDT [mobile data terminal] hardware in your vehicles). |
Mileage | Provides mileage data as calculated by GPS distances | |
Route | Provides general data about vehicle route activity | This report is limited to preserve system resources. |
Speed Graph | Provides a graph of all the speeds a vehicle has gone over a specified time period | This report is limited to preserve system resources and is not included by default in the list. |
Speeding | Provides speeding event data compared to posted speed limits | |
Stop | Provides stop data, including duration and distance between the amber activation and the stop | |
Time | Provides information about pre/post trip inspection times | |
Usage | Provides information about CalAmp K-12 user use | |
Vehicle Performance | Provides a summary of performance-related events | |
Vehicle Summary | Provides a summary of vehicle event information, including which vehicles are underutilized | |
Yard | Provides vehicle activity associated with designated yards | |
Zone | Provides vehicle activity associated with designated zones |
The Comparative Analysis Reports
The following table contains descriptions of the Comparative Analysis (CA) reports, which will be available only if you have CA.
Report Type | Description | Note |
Dispatch Monitor | Shows how the chosen times of day (AM, MID, and/or PM) ended up being covered or not covered for the specified time range | This is available only if your organization has the Dispatch Monitor module. |
Planned vs. Actual Stop | Provides actual stop information compared to the planned stops | |
Route Performance | Provides route performance information such as the duration of a route and number of stops performed, all compared to the plan | |
School Arrival (Bell Time) | Provides arrival data compared to the school bell time | |
School Arrival (Route Time) | Provides arrival data compared to the scheduled route arrival time | |
Substitutions | Provides information about routes linked to vehicles other than the default vehicle | |
Tier Performance | Provides tier performance information such as the duration of a route and number of stops performed, all compared to the plan | |
Yard Performance | Provides information about scheduled versus actual yard entries and exits |
The reports in the following table are related to CA but have their own main category — Activity Reports, Here Comes the Bus (HCTB), and Student Ridership (SR).
Report Type | Description | Note |
Activity Reports | Returns all the activities run during the specified time range and the mileage for each | Requires HCTB with the Activities license enabled in addition to CA |
HCTB Heat Maps | Displays a map of how many students are attached to HCTB accounts so that you can check how many parents are using HCTB, by area and by school | Requires HCTB in addition to CA |
Here Comes the Bus | Provides HCTB statistics, such as the accounts, students, zones, and notifications | Requires HCTB in addition to CA |
Ridership Heat Maps | Displays a map of where students are scanning on and off your buses | Requires SR in addition to CA |
Scan History | Provides information about student scans on the vehicles | Requires SR in addition to CA |
Student | Provides student first and last names, the school they attend, and a specified property (such as import district ID) | |
Student Ridership | Provides student scan details, reported by vehicle | Requires SR in addition to CA |
The Maintenance Reports
The following table contains descriptions of the Maintenance reports, available with the free Service Manager module.
Report Type | Description |
Maintenance | Provides information about vehicle services |
The Engine Diagnostics Reports
The following table contains descriptions of the Engine Diagnostics reports, which will be available only if you have Engine Diagnostics.
Report Type | Description |
Fault Code | Provides details about the fault codes, including the count each vehicle has had, descriptions, and when malfunction indicator lamps are lit |
Fuel Economy | Provides fuel economy details, including the distance traveled, total fuel used, average miles per gallon, and idle time |
For details on running an included report, see Running a Report.