The Time and Attendance (TAA) reports are included with the rest of the Synovia reports (in Core >> Reports), not on one of the TAA menus. The TAA reports that are available to you will vary, depending on your user role and its privileges. To see the TAA reports, follow these steps:

Note: If you need to run a report listed below you are not currently allowed to access, contact your organization's Synovia administrator.

  1. Click  >> Reports.
    Your most recently run reports will appear.
  2. Using the scroll bar on the Report Categories panel, scroll down to the TAA Reports category.
  3. Click TAA Reports on the left to see the specific reports available for it on the right.

The TAA Employee Reports

The following table contains descriptions of the TAA Employee reports.

Report Type
Active Employees with No Scans by Day
Provides a list of employees without scans over a time range, listed by day and employee name
Active Employees with No Scans
Provides a list of employees without scans during the specified date range, listed by department and employee name
Employee Field Export
Exports a list of one or more employee fields from the database, including first, last, and middle names; employee ID; department; and employee type

The TAA General Reports

The following table contains descriptions of the TAA General reports.

Report Type
Who's Logged In
Lists the employees who are currently clocked in
Portal Audit
Provides information on the use of the TAA Portal for clock events, including the IP addresses where they occurred

The TAA Time Reports

The following table contains descriptions of the TAA Time reports.

Report Type
Attendance Events
Lists employees who have incurred attendance events (infractions in the points-based system TAA uses to measure employee performance) during the specified time period
Clock In/Out Dwell
Provides the time difference between clock events and yard departure/entry times
Contract Time by Schedule by Day
Provides details about the actual hours worked versus the planned schedule hours
Daily Attendance
Lists the days of the week employees are absent, which can help identify patterns of absence
Guaranteed vs. Actual Work (Day)
Shows the variance between the hours employees are guaranteed and their FTE (full-time equivalent) hours, plus their FTE percentages
Hours Daily Total by Job Type
Provides a summary of time listed by job type, including employee name, employee ID, and hours worked per day
Hours Summary by Route ID
Provides a summary of time listed by route ID, including employee name, employee ID, job type, hours worked, mileage, and vehicle number
Hours Summary
Provides a simple summary of the hours worked by employees for a selected date range
Missed Punch
Identifies employees who have incomplete shifts due to missing a punch-in or punch-out during the selected dates
On Time
Shows the difference between the scheduled start time and actual clock-in time (or end time and clock-out time) for the specified employees
Provides a list of employees who worked over the number of hours designated as a full work week (such as 40 hours) for the selected date range
Payroll Summary
Lists employees by name, with the job codes, job types, and total hours they worked
Planned vs. Actual Work
Compares the actual hours employees worked with their scheduled hours over the specified date range
Provides information about absences entered for the specified employees over the selected date range, including dates, duration, and absence types
Hours Summary by Job Type
Provides a detailed hours summary, indicating the job types that were worked as well as the number of hours per type for each employee
Hours Summary by Job Type - STA
Downloads an Excel file with the same details as Hours Summary by Job Type, plus asset ID numbers, department names, and absence hours
Lists the holidays entered into the system for a selected date range
Approaching Overtime
Identifies which employees are approaching overtime in the current time card period, which can be useful in determining the employees who can be assigned an extra route without going into overtime

The TAA Time Card Reports

The following table contains descriptions of the TAA Time Card reports. 

Report Type
Lists the employees by employee ID, name, and department who didn't approve their time cards for the selected time range
Contract Time Card
Provides details about the hours and rounded contract hours worked
Schedule Based Time Card
Provides details about the scheduled hours worked, one employee per page, with spaces for both employee and supervisor signatures
Standard Time Card
Provides a comprehensive breakout of time worked day-by-day for the specified employees, including clock-in and clock-out times, job types, hours worked, and optional signature lines for the individual employee and supervisor
Total Contract by Shift Time Card
Shows the total contracted and actual hours for the selected employees, listed by shift

The TAA Vehicle Reports

The following table contains descriptions of the TAA Vehicle reports. 

Report Type
Vehicle Use
Reports which employees were clocked in on the specified vehicles during the selected date range, plus their clock-in and clock-out times
Mileage by Shift
Lists the shifts worked by the selected employees over the specified date range, including mileage traveled by vehicle
Mileage by Job Type
Lists the total mileage driven by individual vehicles over the specified date range, separated by job type and vehicle number

For details on running a TAA report, see Running a Synovia Report.