If your school district uses CalAmp K-12 to manage time and attendance and has absence requests enabled, you can submit a request for time off using the CalAmp K-12 mobile app as follows:
- Tap
at the top left of the screen.
Note: If you are on certain screens (such as the Stop List page), you'll need to tap Back first at the top left.
The main menu will be displayed.
- Tap Absence Request.
The Absence Requests screen will appear and list your active absence requests, if any.
- Tap Request Absence.
The Absence Request screen will display property fields for the type and date range of the absence.
- Tap the Absence Type
A pop-up will display the absence types available for your school district.
- Tap the type applicable to your request.
- Tap Done.
You'll see that the type you selected will be entered for the Absence Type field.
- Tap the Time Frame
A pop-up will display the time-of-day options.
- Tap the time of day you need to take off work, such as Full Day if the absence is for an entire day.
- Tap Done.
The time of day will be displayed in the Time Frame field, and date properties will appear.
- Tap Select to the right of Start Date and, in the date picker, select the first day you would like to take off.
- Tap Done in the date picker.
- Tap Select to the right of End Date and, in the date picker, select the last day you want off.
Note: If the request is just for one day or for a partial day, select the same day for the Start Date and End Date fields. - Tap Done in the date picker.
- Optionally, you can tap Edit in the Notes field, type an explanation for your absence request in the Notes box (such as "I have the flu" for a sick day), and tap Done.
- Tap Submit Request.
You'll be returned to the Absence Requests screen, which will include your new request in the list.
- You can tap anywhere in its row to open a page with details of your request, plus options to delete or edit it.