If you have forgotten your CalAmp K-12 password and need to reset it, follow these steps:

  1. Open the app by tapping its icon.
    The login screen will appear.
  2. Tap Forgot Password?.
    The password-reset screen will appear.
  3. Tap in the Email Address field and type the email address or other login ID for your account.
  4. Tap in the Account Number field and type your organization's code, which is usually a five-digit number.
  5. Tap Reset Password.
    You will be informed that you have been sent an email with a link to reset your password.
  6. Tap Done.
  7. Open the email.
  8. Tap its Reset Password link.
    You'll be taken to a screen in a browser to reset your password.
  9. Type the new password you'd like to use in both the Password and Confirm Password fields.
    Note: The password must be longer than eight characters and contain at least one of each of the following: an uppercase letter, a lowercase letter, a number, and a special character.
  10. Tap Confirm Password.
    You'll be taken to the CalAmp K-12 login screen in the browser.
  11. Return to the app.
    Note: If you are still on the password-reset screen, you may need to tap Cancel to return to the login screen.
  12. You can log in using your new password. (See Logging In and Out if needed.)