If you want to delete conversations of messages between your drivers (sent via the MDTs [mobile data terminals]) and dispatch (sent via CalAmp K-12) using the new Mail screen, you can do so as follows:
Note: For information about sending and receiving messages from the MDTs, including the features of the new Mail screen, see Navigating the New Mail Screen.
- Click
, if you have no unread messages) in the site banner.
Note: If you have two mail icons in the site banner, click the left one. Two appear for customers who have early access to the new Mail screen.
The legacy Mail screen will be sunsetted on February 29, which means that only the new Mail screen will be available after that.
The new Mail screen will appear.
By default, it will display all conversations from the last month.
- If you would like to delete messages from an earlier range of dates, follow these steps:
- Click the From calendar picker above the grid and select the first date of conversations you want to see.
- Click the To calendar picker and select the last date.
- Click
The new dates of message threads will appear.
- Click the From calendar picker above the grid and select the first date of conversations you want to see.
- In the Conversations pane, select the check boxes on the far left of the rows of the conversation threads you want to delete.
Note: You can click the check box above the check box column to select all the conversations in the chosen time period. - Click
above the Conversations grid.
A Warning dialog box will appear.
- Click Yes.
An Item(s) Deleted success message will appear at the top right of the screen, and the conversation will be removed from the system.
Note: You can delete an individual conversation when you are reading it by clicking above the Conversation Details pane and then Yes in the Warning dialog box.