Holidays that have been added to your organization's calendar will appear on the Holidays screen. To view them, follow these steps:

  1. Click  >> Holidays.
    The Holidays screen will appear.
  2. Optionally, you can view holidays entered for only certain employee types as follows (by default, all employee types are selected):
    1. Click the Employee Types drop-down arrow.
      A list of your employee types will appear.
    2. Deselect any types whose holidays you don't want to see. ( means selected, and  deselected.)
    3. Click Apply.
  3. If you want to see holidays for a different date range than the default (which is from two months ago to one month in the future [a three-month span]), follow these steps:
    1. Click the From calendar picker and select the beginning date of the time span.
    2. Click the To calendar picker and select the end of the time period.
    3. Click  to the right of the calendar pickers.
      Holiday results for your new date range will be displayed in the Holiday History grid.
  4. Scroll through the grid to view the holidays. (You can filter the Holiday Name, Start, or End columns if needed to find a particular holiday or date, as shown in Sorting and Filtering Column Data.)