Synovia Site (
- Changed the process of resetting passwords, both for users themselves (using the Forgot Password? link on the login page) and administrators using the Reset Password option on the System Administration >> Users screen. Users will no longer be sent a temporary password in an email; instead, they will be emailed a link that will enable them to reset their password. The link will be good for 15 minutes.
- Added a method to upload vehicle odometer readings in bulk via a new System Administration >> Vehicles option, Odometer Bulk Update.
- Fixed user interface issues with the Bulk Load Data dialog box used for uploading student data that cut off the Choose File button and didn't display the Cancel/Upload File buttons if there was a long list of errors found in the file.
Synovia App
- Changed the process of resetting passwords using the Forgot Password? link on the login page. Users will no longer be sent a temporary password in an email; instead, they will be emailed a link that will enable them to reset their password. The link will be good for 15 minutes.
- Added handling work orders to Synovia, which will enable customers to set up the following:
- If an inspection has failed items, a work order will be created (one work order per inspection, which will include all its failed items).
- Each work order will have work order items that require follow-up corresponding to the inspection failed items.
- If the same items fail in a subsequent inspection, a new work order will not be created, but if one new failure is reported, that ONE item will initiate a new work order just for it.
- If there is an open work order for an inspection item, that item will be prepopulated with a Failed value upon further inspections.
- A new screen has been added to the Synovia interface's MDT menu, Work Orders, which will display work orders by number, vehicle, employee, and status of each item (Open, In Progress, Declined, or Fixed) and enable users to edit the work orders.
- A new report has been added to the Core Inspection list, Work Orders, which will return the status of each opened work order by date, vehicle name, and inspection item description.
- Added a Duration column to the results for the Vehicle Inspection and Vehicle Inspection Summary reports, which will return the difference between the inspection start and submission times.
Comparative Analysis – Synovia Site
- On the Import Results screen, fixed an issue with viewing an import's details and then clicking Back that would return the user to the top of the Import Results list instead of the page of results/scrolling location they had opened the Import Details screen from.
Student Ridership
- Fixed the formatting for the column headers of the PDF export of the Scan History SPED Ridership Medicaid report.
Time and Attendance (in the Synovia Interface)
- Fixed an issue with the Work Monitor that was allowing employees without an assigned employee type to be clocked in.
Here Comes the Bus
- Added a new screen to the Synovia HCTB menu, Activity Categories, which will enable users to add hierarchical categories for activities and assign activities to them. (Note that users will also be able to assign an activity to a category on its Add/Edit screen.)
- Added a new column, Category, to the HCTB Activities screen.
- Fixed an issue that was preventing stops from being visible on the HCTB website's Map screen.
Mobile Data Terminals (version 2020.08)
- If the Work Orders license has been enabled in the customer account, a Defects screen will be available on the MDT, listing failed inspection items. Note that failed items will remain failed until the related work order is resolved. (See the "Inspections" section above.)
- If the Work Orders license has been enabled in the customer account, before drivers begin an inspection, there will be a check to see if previously failed items' work orders have been resolved.
- Added an option for the custom pop-up dialog box for the driver to be taken to a specific module after clicking I Agree.
- Improved performance issues when sending an inspection that were caused by a previous release, which produced errors such as the wrong employee being credited with completing an inspection.
- Added a pop-up explaining that the current activity will be ended for drivers transferring to a job type that doesn't support activities. (Previously, the activity would be ended with no warning, even if they selected the Keep an Activity Running option.)
- Added validation to the MDT login process to check whether an activity can be chosen (before displaying the Select Activity screen) – making sure that the ACT license has been enabled as well as Allow Activity selected.
- Changed the Driver Feedback module to be disabled by default. (There is now a toggle to turn it on and off; ask your CSM if you need to switch it.)
- Fixed the format of date inspection items, which will now be sent as mm/dd/yyyy.