If you entered an absence in error or one that was later canceled, you can delete it as follows:
Note: For information about Time and Attendance (TAA), go to An Introduction to Time and Attendance. For details about the TAA user interface, see Navigating the Time and Attendance Module.
- Click
>> Absences.
The Absences screen will appear.
By default, the absence date range will be from two months ago to one month in the future.
- If that three-month span contains the date of the absence you need to delete and you don't mind looking through a list of absence results, you can skip down to step 5 (or 6 if you are searching for whole departments instead of individual employees).
- If you want to return results only for the specific date of the absence (or for a smaller time period), under Absence History (on the right side of the screen), click the From calendar picker and select the beginning date of the time span.
- Click the To calendar picker and select the end of the time range.
- If the absence you need to delete is for a single employee (or a few you can specify by name), follow these steps:
- Under Employees (on the left side of the screen), type the first employee's name (or part of it) in the Search Employee field.
Matching names will appear in a drop-down list.
- Select the employee from the list.
- Repeat steps a and b for as many individual employees you need.
- Skip down past step 6.
- Under Employees (on the left side of the screen), type the first employee's name (or part of it) in the Search Employee field.
- If the absence you need to delete is for a whole department (or several departments), such as one that was entered for a training session that has now been canceled, follow these steps:
- Under Employees (on the left side of the screen), click
The Employees dialog box will appear, displaying your departments in a tree structure.
- To select all your departments, click the check box to the left of your highest-level department name.
- To select individual departments, you may need to click the expansion arrow to the left of your top department.
- Expand higher-level departments until you find the one you need, if they're not already expanded.
- Select the check box to the left of each department name with absences you want to delete.
- Click Apply.
- Under Employees (on the left side of the screen), click
- A list of all the absences entered for the employees/departments you selected will appear on the right, under the heading Absence History.
- Scroll down to the absence instance(s) you need to delete (or you can sort the Name or Start column to find it, if needed, as shown in Sorting and Filtering Column Data).
- Click the check box to the far left in the row of each absence you need to delete.
Note: Even if you selected a department, you will have to select the check box for each employee's absence individually.
Thebutton above the Absence History results grid will become enabled.
- Click
A warning dialog box will appear.
- Click Yes.