To log in to the Synovia site, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to
    If this is the first time you've logged in, the window will appear as follows (or if you didn't select Remember Me previously):
  2. Type your email address in the Email field.
  3. Type your organization's code, which is usually a five-digit number, in the Account Number field.
    Note: If you don't know your account code number, contact your company/school district's Synovia administrator.

    If you've logged in previously and selected Remember Me, your email address and code will already be filled in for you.
  4. Type your password in the Password field.
    Note: If you've forgotten your password and need to reset it, follow the steps in Resetting a Forgotten Password from the Login Screen.
  5. Optionally, you can select Remember Me to have the login screen save your email address and account number (and have them prefilled for you upon subsequent logins). ( means selected, and  deselected.)
  6. Click Sign In.
    Synovia will launch, and your default screen will appear (which is Fleet Tracking unless you've customized it as shown in Changing Your Default Startup Screen).