The Report Views screen enables you to create new custom layouts for the reports and to modify or delete layout views you've created in the past.
This article describes the various features of the Report Views screen, which you access by clicking >> Report Views.
Note: For information about the banner at the top and accordion menu on the left, see Navigating the Synovia Site.
For details on the features of the Reports screen, go to Navigating the Reports Screen.
The Report Categories list on the left contains the following:
- My Recent Reports: Displays a list of the reports you've run over the past 30 days, with the most recent one on top.
- Favorite Reports: Lists the reports you've marked as favorites.
- Popular Reports: Contains two categories of popular reports:
- Popular Account Reports: Shows the top 10 reports run by all the users in your organization, sorted by count order (highest to lowest).
Note: The count doesn't include historical data before March 2019, when the new Synovia reporting engine was released — just the number of times each report has been run since that release. - Popular Synovia Reports: Shows the top 10 reports run by all Synovia customers, sorted by count order (highest to lowest).
Note: This count also doesn't include historical information before March 2019.
- Popular Account Reports: Shows the top 10 reports run by all the users in your organization, sorted by count order (highest to lowest).
- Synovia Reports: Opens a catalog of all the reports your organization has available, sorted by category and report type.
On the right side of the screen, you'll see the following:
- Search: Enables you to search through the listed reports. (See Searching and Sorting the Reports, but perform the steps on the Report Views screen instead of Reports.)
- Sort By: Enables you to quickly change the sort order of the reports in the grid. (See Searching and Sorting the Reports, but perform the steps on the Report Views screen instead of Reports.)
- Show All Views: If you click
, each report in the list will expand to show its available layouts (the Standard view, which is the default display for that report, and any customized layouts you've created for it), as well as the Add New Layout button. When the views are displayed, "Show All Views" is changed to "Hide All Views," and
, which will collapse all the views when you click it.
Note: To see how to add a new layout for a report, go to Adding a Customized Report View. : Opens the Edit Layout window, enabling you to change your customized layout for the report. (See Changing Your Customized Report View.)
: Deletes your custom layout. (See Deleting a Report View.)
will be grayed out for the Standard view, as you can't modify or remove that.
: Shows the available views for the report and the Add Layout Button (as explained in the Show All Views bullet).
Here is an explanation of the grid column headers:
- Report Name: The specific name of the report, such as Idle Daily Detail by Vehicle (not just "Idle").
- Last Run by Me: The date and time you yourself last ran the report.
- Times Run by Me: The number of times you have run the report (since the release of the March 2019 reporting engine).
- Times Run by Account: The number of times everyone in your organization has run the report (since March 2019).
- Times Run by All Accounts: The number of times all Synovia customers have run the report (since March 2019).