If you find that you need to cancel a HCTB message you have scheduled for a later date, you can delete it. To do so, follow these steps:

Note: For details on creating a new HCTB message, see Sending a HCTB Message. For information about HCTB messages in general, see Navigating the HCTB Messaging Screen.

Note: If the message has already been sent, there is no method to recall it. You can delete only messages that are scheduled to be sent out in the future.

  1. Click  >> HCTB Messaging.
    The HCTB Messaging screen's Scheduled tab will appear, displaying messages that are planned to be sent out.
  2. Click the check box in the row of the message you want to delete.
  3. Click  at the top right of the screen.
    A confirmation dialog box will appear.
  4. Click Yes.