Included with Synovia's engine diagnostics hardware are two different sets of reports, Fault Code and Fuel Economy. The Fuel Economy reports provide various details related to fuel economy, including the distance traveled, total fuel used, average miles per gallon (mpg), and idle time, as follows:
Note: See The Fault Code Reports for details about the Fault Code reports.
- Fuel Economy Daily Summary: Provides the total fuel used by each vehicle each date in the specified time range, the distance traveled, average mpg, engine hours, and idle time, listed by vehicle and primary group.
- Fuel Economy Summary by Group: Displays the total fuel used by all the vehicles in the group during the specified time range, the distance they all traveled, average mpg, engine hours, and idle time.
- Fuel Economy Summary by Primary Group: Displays the total fuel used by all the vehicles in their primary group during the specified time range, the distance they all traveled, average mpg, engine hours, and idle time.
Note: The Fuel Economy Summary by Group and Fuel Economy Summary by Primary Group reports may give you the same data, if you have your vehicles assigned to only one group (their primary group). If you have assigned a vehicle to multiple groups, such as to School Name X as the primary one and also to a Special Education group, the total fuel used by that vehicle (as well as distance, idle time, and such) will be listed in both groups' data for Fuel Economy Summary by Group, so the report's Total numbers will count the vehicle's values twice; however, that same vehicle will report only once for the Fuel Economy Summary by Primary Group report (just for its primary group, in this example, School Name X). - Fuel Economy Summary by Vehicle: Provides the total fuel used by each vehicle over the entirety of the specified time range, the distance traveled, average mpg, engine hours, and idle time, listed by primary group and vehicle number.