If you need to write a new message and send it to the drivers of specific vehicles, you can do so as follows:

Note: For more information about sending and receiving messages from the MDTs, including the features of the Mail screen, see Navigating the Mail Screen.

  1. Click  (if you have no unacknowledged messages) or  (if you have unread messages) in the site banner.

    The Mail screen will appear.
  2. Click  at the top right of the screen.
    The Compose Message screen will appear.
  3. Type your message in the Message box.
  4. Optionally, you can select High Priority to mark the message as such for the driver. ( means selected, and  deselected.)
  5. In the Recipients area, select the vehicle(s), group(s) of vehicles, or school(s) to send the message to.
    Note: Expand a group name to select a single vehicle in it.

    If you select a school on the By School tab, the message will be sent to all the vehicles assigned to that school.
    You can use the Search tab to search for a vehicle by name.
  6. Click  at the top right of the screen.
    A confirmation dialog box will appear.
  7. Click Yes.
    You will be returned to the Inbox, and a success message will appear at the top right of the screen. If the vehicle ignition is on, the driver's MDT will inform them they have a message, which they can read when the vehicle is stopped.
  8. To see your sent message, click the Outbox tab.