Shift exceptions in Time and Attendance (TAA) are errors in punching in or out, which cause problematic time card data. These are the different types:
- Incomplete Shift: An employee has forgotten to clock in or out, so an inaccurate shift appears in the database.
- Invalid Job Type: An employee has selected a job type when clocking in that is invalid, in that it either doesn't exist or isn't authorized under the circumstances (for example, they chose a cafeteria worker type when driving a vehicle).
- Invalid Punch ID: An employee has entered an incorrect ID, one that is unrecognized by the system.
- Invalid Assignment/Invalid Job Code Assignment: Invalid Assignment is an exception only for organizations that use Sartox's SunPac as the payroll system; Invalid Job Code Assignment is similar and is an option for the Generic export type. An employee's assignment information is missing in the data file, perhaps due to an incorrect assignment in Sartox or an error in processing the employee's demographic information.
Warning: Before you can export your time records for a payroll system, you need to fix any shift exceptions that are occurring. See Finding and Fixing Shift Exceptions and Handling Incomplete Shifts from the Time Card for more information.