The Itinerary Details screen is included as part of the Comparative Analysis (CA) module; with it, you can see specific details about the planned activities for a route as designated by your routing system, as follows:

Note: For more information about CA, see An Introduction to Comparative Analysis.

You can see tier- and stop-level data by going to the Active Tiers screen, as shown in Viewing Your Itineraries at the Tier Level.

  1. In the site banner's Search box, type the itinerary name/number whose details you want to see and press Enter.
    The Search results will appear.
  2. Click the Itineraries tab.
  3. Click  in the itinerary's row.
    The Itinerary Details screen for the itinerary will appear.
    These are the options at the top right of the screen:
    • : Saves the grid data as a PDF you can print.
    • : Exports the grid data to an Excel spreadsheet.
  4. Here is an explanation of the grid column headers:
    • Route: The route name/number.
    • Tier: The tier name/number.
    • School(s): The school the tier services.
    • Current Vehicle: The vehicle currently assigned to drive the tier.
    • Last Event Time: The date and time of the last event the vehicle reported to Synovia.
    • Bell Time(s): The arrival or departure time — the official start or end time (depending on the time of day) for the school day.
    • Status: Whether the tier is on time, early, late, or missed entirely.
    • Start Time: The scheduled beginning time for the tier.
    • End Time: The scheduled end time for the tier.
    • Avg Stop Deviation: On average, how far off from the planned stop times the actual stops were made in the tier. A negative number indicates that the stops were early. If no stops were made, this column will be blank.
    • # HCTB Accounts: The number of parents of the students in the tier who have Here Comes the Bus accounts.

Along the bottom of the screen are icons that enable you to navigate through the pages of data, if needed. See Paging Options for an explanation of these.