Most likely, you will never have to change the data for an ESN (electronic serial number). But just in case, here are the steps to do so:

  1. Click  >> Inventory.
  2. On the Inventory screen, click  in the row of the ESN to update.
    The Edit ESN screen will appear.
    Note: You won't be able to change the ESN itself. If you need to add a new ESN to your database, see Adding an ESN/GPS Device for details.
  3. To update the device's cellular phone number, select the text in the Phone Number box and type the new number.
  4. If you need to add any notes about the device (or change the current notes), type them in the Notes field.
     The Assignment History grid shows the following information:
    • ESN: The ESN of the device.
    • Vehicle: The vehicle the device is currently on.
    • Group: The primary group the device is assigned to.
    • Current: If checked, the device is currently assigned to a vehicle and is active.
    • Start Date: The date the device was assigned to the vehicle.
    • End Date: If the device was ever reassigned, this will show the date the assignment to the vehicle ended.
  5. Click  at the top right of the screen.
    You'll be returned to the Inventory screen, and the new data for the ESN will appear in its row.
    Note: To assign the ESN to a vehicle, go to the Vehicles screen. See Adding a Vehicle’s ESN for details.