CalAmp K-12 (

  • Added a Last Modified Date column to the Broadcast Message screen and changed the grid to be sorted by it, with the most recently changed message on top.
  • Fixed a bug that was preventing the Underutilized Vehicles report from returning results.
  • For customers using CalAmp Vision, fixed a bug on the Fleet Tracking screen that would remove the default grid sorting by vehicle name if a Vision event was included in the results.

CalAmp K-12 Mobile App (Version 4.4.6)

  • Improved the implementation of inspections as follows:
    • Made the steps more user-friendly and improved the overall look and feel, such as icons, buttons, text, and titling.
    • Added the sequence number and total to each item, such as “#4 of 9.”
    • Made navigating to previous and next items easier.
    • Changed the name of the Sync tab to “In Progress,” to more clearly show that this is where drivers return if they’ve left a form incomplete and now want to finish it.
    • Improved the process for adding notes.
    • Made the picture-taking function more resemble a phone’s camera settings, plus added a Retake option to make it easier to replace a photo.
  • Fixed a bug with the Duplicated Rider dialog box that prevented it from closing when the driver tapped Allow Rider to Board.

Comparative Analysis

  • Added a Stop # column to the lower grid of the Route Monitor that will display the stop sequence numbers.
  • Added a Stop Order column to the Routing Details window (accessed from Fleet Tracking’s Itineraries panel by right-clicking a route name and selecting Route Details — or an itinerary/tier name and selecting Itinerary/Tier Details) that will display the stop sequence numbers.

Here Comes the Bus App (Version 3.6.4)

  • Added the ability for account holders to specify their unit of measure. This includes the following changes:
    • On the Settings page, renamed the Change Language menu option “Localization.”
    • Retitled the Change Language screen as “Localization” as well.
    • Reworked the Localization page to have two drop-down lists: the previously existing Notification Language one (for changing the language of their HCTB notifications) and the new Unit of Measure one, with Imperial and Metric options.

Here Comes the Bus

  • Fixed a bug that was sending Stop Radius Entry notifications to parents hours after they occurred.
  • Fixed a bug that was freezing the bus on the map when it entered a student’s stop radius.
  • Fixed a bug that was sending multiple duplicate bus substitution notifications to parents.
  • Fixed an issue that wasn’t sending PM notifications to parents, even though they’d selected to see both AM and PM ones.
  • In CalAmp K-12, fixed a bug with the Ride Requests screen that was preventing users from canceling requests made for 2025 dates (in December 2024).
  • On the CalAmp K-12 HCTB Accounts screen, fixed a bug with the Notification History window that wasn’t including calendar exception notifications in the list.

Student Ridership

  • Added the ability to include mid-day routes in the Ridership Data Collection report results.
    Note: This requires changing the Include MID Range in Ridership Data Collection Report setting to Y in Preferences >> Settings; contact your customer success manager (CSM) to enable this for you.

Dispatch Monitor

  • Added a new Dispatch Monitor report (found under the Comparative Analysis category), which will show how the chosen times of day (AM, MID, and/or PM) ended up being covered or not covered for the specified time range.
  • Added validation to the Dispatch Monitor that will prevent it from using inactive employee types (requiring a check for an active type).
  • Fixed a bug that was showing details from the previous tier in the tooltip that appeared when users moused over the substitute bus icon in the Actual/Substitute Vehicle column.

Time and Attendance

  • Added validation to the Add/Edit Master Schedule Template screen that will make sure that the template no longer is affected by a job schedule definition that has been deleted.
  • Fixed an issue that would remove the vehicle assignment from future shifts when users deleted a single shift in an employee’s schedule.
  • Fixed a bug that was showing newly updated punch ID values in both the Previous Value and New Value columns on the Field Changes tab of the Import Notifications screen.
  • Fixed a bug with the Shift Analyzer Rules tab of TAA System Settings that was preventing new rules from being added with the selected time range (due to an issue with the input controls).
  • Fixed a bug with the Export Time screen that wouldn’t save all the modifications if changes were made on multiple tabs.


  • Added validation that will prevent including forbidden characters in the bus name when using /vehicle/createupdate.
    Note: The only allowed characters are numbers, letters, hyphens, and parentheses.