CalAmp K-12 (

  • Increased the maximum height of broadcast messages to 450 pixels.
  • Fixed a bug that wasn’t displaying the Core >> Cellular reports category on the Reports screen for some customers.

Here Comes the Bus

  • On the HCTB Accounts screen, added a Select All check box at the top left of the grid that, when checked, will select all the accounts displayed on the current page (but not subsequent pages of results). For example, if a user applies a filter and then clicks the Select All check box, only the accounts returned by the filter will be chosen. This will enable users to delete a large group of accounts.

Student Ridership

  • Added a Boarding Cards tab to the global search results, which will show boarding card data, including card ID numbers and the first and last names of the students.
  • Added weekly average and daily total values to the Summary section of the Ridership Data Collection report.
  • Fixed an issue with the date links in the Scan History Daily Summary by Vehicle report’s Date column that, when clicked, would produce an error instead of launching the drill-down report.

Time and Attendance

  • Changed how removing a punch ID from an employee (whether by making them inactive or by using the Clear ID button on the Edit Employee Name screen) is recorded in the database: Now, the time will be recorded as the end of the day for the end date (23:59:59); previously, the current time of day was used.
  • On the Assign Employees screen, fixed a bug with the Edit Employee Assignment Date dialog box that was saving newly entered end dates with the wrong time in the database. The time will now be correctly recorded as 23:59:59, not 00:00.


  • For customers using waypoint generation, on the CalAmp K-12 Navigation screen, changed the From and To values in the Show Vehicle History dialog box to default to an hour before the selected tier’s start time and an hour after its end time. Users will still be able to modify these times if needed.


  • Added two new fields to the responses for the event/VehicleHistory and event/VehicleEventHistory methods: meters_traveled and daily_meters_traveled.