CalAmp K-12 (

  • Added a warning icon () to the System Administration >> Vehicles screen if any of the vehicles aren’t assigned to a primary group. When a user mouses over this, a tooltip of “Attention! You have X vehicle(s) without a primary group” will appear.
    Note: ALL vehicles must have a primary group assignment!
  • For customers using CalAmp Vision, added the ability to set up alerts for Vision events. On the Add New Alert screen, there is now a Vision Alert option on the Alert Type drop-down list, which will populate the Event list with camera events.
  • For customers using CalAmp Vision, fixed a bug that would show “(Camera) (Camera)” in the video window after the event name (instead of just one).
  • Fixed a bug with the Performance Categories screen that was including Dispatch in the list for customers who hadn’t licensed the Dispatch Monitor.

Here Comes the Bus

  • For customers who are using activity schedules and have activities started automatically (based on those schedules), added two new columns to the CalAmp K-12 HCTB Activities screen:
    • Schedule: Shows the days of the week the activity has been scheduled (or None).
    • Auto Start: Has Yes and No values, indicating whether the activity is set to start automatically.
  • In CalAmp K-12, fixed an issue that was allowing users with only Can View privileges for the HCTB Accounts screen to make changes (such as cancel active transportation requests), when that should require Can Edit permissions.

Dispatch Monitor

Note: The Dispatch Monitor is an add-on service with an additional monthly fee. It requires both the Comparative Analysis and Time and Attendance modules, plus new PvA.

  • Changed the Currently There Are X Route(s) with No Driver Schedules and X Driver(s) Schedules with No Vehicle Assigned line to wait to be displayed until the schedules have been loaded for the screen. (Previously, this was providing zero totals for both Xes, despite that not being the case, because the schedule data hadn’t been pulled in yet.)

Time and Attendance

  • Added two new radio buttons to the Shift Exceptions screen:
    • No Time Exceptions: Shows employees who had no shifts for the selected time period and the dates they were out (including entered absences).
    • Long Running Shifts: Shows employees who had shifts longer than the entered time value over the course of the specified date range.
  • On the Export Time screen’s Export Mappings tab, changed how the Select Value drop-down list is populated so that it will never be empty. (At the very least, Employee_Fields should be available.)


  • In CalAmp K-12, fixed an issue that wasn’t honoring the selection of the Allow to Generate Waypoints privilege on the Synovia Fleet Privileges tab of the Add/Edit Role screen (which gives users the ability to use the Generate Waypoints feature on the Navigation screen). 
  • For customers using waypoint generation, on the CalAmp K-12 Navigation screen, fixed an issue with selecting a stop showing the whole of the history instead of the expected display of only events for that stop.
  • Fixed a bug with the Navigation screen’s Generate Waypoints feature that was causing it to not follow the history from stop to stop.