Using the mobile app, you can delete any or all messages you have sent (or have been sent to you, directed to the vehicle you are driving) as follows:

  1. Go to the Home screen by tapping  at the top left of the screen and then Home at the top of the menu that appears.
    Note: If you are on certain screens, you'll need to tap Back first at the top left in order to see the .
    The Home screen will be displayed.
  2. Tap .
    The Messages screen will appear and show previous conversations you have had (the last message in each).
  3. Tap Delete Messages at the top of the screen.
    The deletion options will appear.
  4. You can delete a single message by tapping  at the far right of its row.
    Caution: There is no warning dialog box when you remove a conversation this way. The message thread is deleted as soon as you tap .
  5. To delete all your messages, tap Delete All at the top right.
    Caution: Again, there is no confirmation dialog box. All your message threads will be removed as soon as you tap Delete All.

Note: Deleting the messages in your Inbox will remove them only from your app. They will still exist in dispatch's software.

However, if dispatch deletes a message on their end, it may no longer appear for you in the app, even if you didn't remove it.