The Activity Monitor is part of the Here Comes the Bus (HCTB) module and will be on the HCTB menu in CalAmp K-12 if your school district has the HCTB Activities license enabled. Using the Activity Monitor, you can observe buses performing activities in real time, check their status, and start and stop activities manually, as follows:
When you are adding or editing an activity, you can create a schedule for it using the Activity Schedule section of the screen. (See Adding a HCTB Activity or Editing a HCTB Activity.) After a schedule has been set up for an activity, you can have it started automatically by CalAmp K-12 (according to the timetable you specified). This requires a setting change: Go to the HCTB Settings screen and, on the Activity Settings tab, select the Auto Start Activities toggle.
- Click
>> Activity Monitor.
The Activity Monitor will appear and list your current activities.
The grid shows the name of each activity, category, vehicle assigned to the activity (Default Vehicle), the actual bus performing the activity, and its status. If the activity has a schedule, you will also see the schedule status, how far off from the schedule the activity is in minutes (Deviation), and the time the activity is scheduled to begin.
Note: The Deviation value will be a positive number if the activity is running late and a negative number if early; for example, a value of -17 means that the activity started seventeen minutes ahead of schedule.
If any activities are currently running, the location of their buses will be displayed on the map on the right.
Note: As soon as a bus completes an activity, it will no longer appear on the map.
The data will be refreshed every 30 seconds.
- If you click an activity name, all rows for that activity will become highlighted; if you click a bus name (or anywhere else in the row), any activity with that same bus will be selected.
The location(s) of the vehicle(s) performing the chosen activity will be zoomed in on and shown on the map.
- To limit the monitor to show only certain status types, follow these steps:
- Click
at the top right of the screen.
The Options dialog box will appear.
The Activity Status section shows the status types for active activities (whether or not they have a schedule assigned to them).
The Schedule Status section shows the status types for activities that have a schedule determining the days of the week they will be run and time of day.
- Select the status types you want to appear in the grid and deselect those you don't want to see. (
means selected, and
- Click Apply.
- Click
- You can manually start an activity run for a driver on the Activity Monitor as follows:
Note: You should do this only at the time the driver is actually beginning the trip (and only if they don't start the activity on their own using an MDT [mobile data terminal]).- Right-click its row and select Start from the menu.
The Select Vehicles to Start Activity window will appear.
If there is a default bus assigned to the activity, its name will appear in the grid on the left.
- If that's the vehicle currently performing the activity, select its check box and skip down to step d.
- If a different bus is being used for the activity, select its check box in the Unassigned grid on the right and click
The vehicle you selected will appear in the Assigned list.
Then select its check box.
Note: You can select multiple vehicles if more than one is handling the activity. - Click Start Activity.
A message will be displayed at the top right of the screen, informing you that the activity has been started.
- Right-click its row and select Start from the menu.
- You can manually stop an activity in progress to mark it as finished by following these steps:
- Right-click its row and select Stop from the menu.
A Warning dialog box will appear.
- Click Yes.
A message will be displayed at the top right of the screen, informing you that the activity has been stopped.
- Right-click its row and select Stop from the menu.