CalAmp K-12 (

  • Added an Edit Settings button to the top-right toolbar of the Preferences >> Settings screen that users must click before they can change any of the settings. This will fix the previous issue that some users experienced of accidentally double-clicking values and making unwanted edits.

Here Comes the Bus

  • In CalAmp K-12, fixed an issue with the HCTB Accounts screen’s Filter drop-down box that seemed to require the user to apply the filter twice in order for it to limit the results. (In reality, the issue was that the first attempt wasn’t made because the page was still loading data. Now, the filter won’t function until all the data is available but will display a “Data is loading” message.)

Time and Attendance

  • Fixed a bug that would change a rounding rule when it was assigned to an employee.
  • Fixed an issue that was preventing employees from logging in via the TAA Portal if their employee IDs contained uppercase letters. 


  • For customers using waypoint generation, on the CalAmp K-12 Planned vs. Actual by Stop itineraries list screen, added the filter icon for the # Custom Waypoints column.
  • Fixed an issue for consortium customers using waypoint generation that wouldn’t show the custom waypoints for districts from the operator’s view.


  • Added the method /Taatime/ScansByDate with parameters for the date range, assetIds, and departmentIds, which will return the dates/times drivers scanned in and out.