CalAmp K-12 (

  • Fixed an issue that was returning Vision responses on the Fleet Tracking screen for non–CalAmp Vision customers.

Comparative Analysis

  • Improved the performance of the Arrival Summary by School Legacy report.

Here Comes the Bus

  • In CalAmp K-12, reconfigured how the HCTB Dashboard’s Validated HCTB Accounts tile is populated. Previously, it would display the percentage of parent accounts that were validated within the time span of its underlying report, HCTB Accounts Validation Info. Now, it will ignore any date constraints and base its percent value on all the accounts that were ever validated.
  • In CalAmp K-12, added a new Quick Range option to the HCTB Accounts Validation Info report, All Historical Data, which will return all the HCTB accounts that have been validated since your organization started using Here Comes the Bus.


Note: We have been piloting the ability to edit your Navigation waypoints, which includes both of the following notes, so you may already be familiar with these features.

  • In CalAmp K-12, added a new Generate Waypoints option for customers who have waypoint generation from vehicle history enabled that will re-create the waypoints for a tier. (A preview of the new waypoint path will be displayed as a purple line.)
  • In CalAmp K-12, added a new Show Vehicle History option to the Navigation screen for customers who have waypoint generation enabled. This will open a dialog box with a date selector and Stop Radius field; after the user enters the required data and clicks OK, the vehicle’s historical events for the selected day will be returned along a purple path line.


  • For customers using our former XML API offering, added a 180-second interval for the Excessive Idling History by Fleet calls, s0101 and s0109.