CalAmp K-12 (
- For customers using CalAmp Vision (our video-telematics solution that will return video files to CalAmp you can view within the software), on the Vehicle History screen, added a Display Vision Video Only toggle to the Events section of the Options panel; when selected, this will show only events that had video captures in the history results.
- Fixed a bug that wasn’t allowing inspection templates with group updates to be published.
Comparative Analysis
- Changed the backend handling of CA imports so that they will no longer fail for customers who have removed or renamed the All Schools zone category.
Here Comes the Bus
- Improved the Contact Support page by adding the ability for parents to search for their school district using their zip code.
Note: This won’t be available until Monday, August 28th.
Time and Attendance
- Changed the error produced when users attempt to assign a schedule for a past time range that included a period when the chosen job type was not assigned to the employee type to something more descriptive: “Unable to assign the schedule. The job type was not active during the selected date range. The schedule can only be assigned during these date range(s): <<List>> . If you need further assistance, please contact Support to apply the schedule as defined.”
In addition, updated the errors for other scheduling/job type issues. - Fixed a bug that was causing assigning a schedule to an employee to produce an Invalid Job Type error even though the correct job type was being used.