WARNING! The reporting engine will be upgraded as part of the release and will therefore be down from 8/19/23 9:00 p.m. EDT to 8/20/23 5:00 a.m. EDT. Reports cannot be run during this time.

CalAmp K-12 (https://login.synovia.com)

  • Updated the reports engine, which will improve report responses, including when they are manually run and produced from a schedule.

Mobile Data Terminals (Version 2023.02)

  • Implemented a change that will fix the issue of employee punch-ins not being recorded in TAA if they were performed on the MDT prior to the device acquiring a cell signal (and showing a timestamp). Now, the customer’s local time offset will be persisted on the MDTs so that the punch-ins will have a time value to send to CalAmp K-12.
    Note: We recommend that customers having this issue go to the Calculations tab of TAA System Settings and enable the Create Scan for Unmatched Out toggle in the Shift Settings area. This will show punch-outs without a corresponding punch-in on employees’ time cards.


  • Fixed an issue with the /api/tablet/GetStudentInformation method that was inconsistently returning data for student IDs with leading zeros.