WARNING! Legacy Time and Attendance (TAA) will be retired on 7/15. After that, you will need to use the TAA screens within the K-12 platform (https://login.synovia.com). If you need guidance on using this version of TAA, you can register for and attend this webinar.
CalAmp K-12 (https://login.synovia.com)
- Added support for CalAmp Vision, which is a video-telematics solution that includes a camera device (with one lens facing the road and the other facing the driver) in your vehicles that will return video files to CalAmp you can view within the software.
- Fixed an issue with the Vehicle Hardware Status report that was producing the error “Failed to load results!”
- Fixed multiple issues with the Alerts screen, including incorrect spacing of the top-right buttons and column tooltips not being displayed when the full text (such as zone names) didn’t fit.
Comparative Analysis
- Fixed an issue with the Import Results >> Route Planning System screen (launched via the Settings button) that wasn’t saving any changes made to check box options (such as the ones in the Is Active column).
- Fixed a bug with the Import Results >> Import Details screen’s Details tab that wouldn’t show rows below a selected one in the top grid.
Student Ridership
- On the Rider History screen, fixed a bug that was displaying the column data incorrectly in exports to PDF.
Here Comes the Bus
- Fixed an issue that was allowing users to start activities for vehicles they didn’t have rights to view.
Time and Attendance
- Handled backend issues required for shutting down legacy TAA. See the warning at the top of the release notes.
- Corrected the success message that is displayed after updating an employee’s FTE value to “Employee FTE record created successfully.”
- On the Employees screen, fixed an issue with the Link to User option (which creates a K-12 software account for a TAA employee) that would try to create a new user instead of adding the association to the existing employee record because the database was reacting to the user’s lack of a role.
- Fixed a bug that would display the map at half size if a user navigated from the Holidays screen to Fleet Tracking or Vehicle History.
- In CalAmp K-12, fixed an issue that was preventing the Navigation screen from loading.
- Added a new method, /enginediagnostics/GetJpod2Data, for JPOD2 customers, which retrieves all data read from the engine.
- Added a new method, /enginediagnostics/GetMobileEngineLastReportedData, which will return all the Engine Diagnostics data returned by heavy-duty and OBDII vehicles.