CalAmp K-12 (

  • On the Fleet Tracking and Vehicle History screens, fixed an issue that was displaying the Activities, Protected, and Video columns in the grid even if the corresponding license wasn’t enabled.
  • On the Vehicle History screen, fixed an issue with the Save Layout feature that would say that a user’s changes (such as selecting certain columns) were saved but then wouldn’t display the supposedly saved configuration.


  • Fixed a bug that wasn’t creating a defect in the system (and thus producing a work order) for failed items when Force Selection of Pass/Fail Inspection Items was selected on the MDT Config tab of Edit Vehicle Type.

Comparative Analysis

  • Fixed an issue with the School Arrival reports that wasn’t returning results for all the days in the chosen date range.

Here Comes the Bus

  • Fixed an issue with updating student zones on the backend that was preventing parents from receiving email and push notifications.

Student Ridership

  • Improved the performance of the Ridership Monitor; now when users click a different route, the results will load much more quickly.


  • In CalAmp K-12, fixed an issue with the Navigation screen’s Turn-by-Turn Directions window that wouldn’t export the directions to Excel if the tier name began with a period.

Mobile Data Terminals (Version 2023.01.1)

  • Changed the default MDT behavior to shut down after 300 seconds when not charging.
  • For customers using the HCTB Activities feature, added a Clear Activities button to the Select Recent Activity screen, which will clear all the listed recent activities.

JSON API/Engine Diagnostics

  • Added two optional parameters to the enginediagnostics/odbiiMobileEngineData method, vehicleIds and groupIds, which will return the vehicle and group IDs.