Comparative Analysis
- For customers using the new PvA engine, on the Fleet Tracking and Vehicle History screens, redirected two of the right-click menu options for a vehicle in the grid to the new screens instead of the legacy versions: Substitutions and Planned vs. Actual by Stop.
- On the Vehicles screen, fixed an issue with nightly imports changing the Last Modified By and Last Modified Date values every day (for each import) for all the vehicles; now these will be updated only if an actual properties change is made with the import.
Mobile App/Student Ridership
- For customers scanning via the mobile app, fixed an issue that wasn’t returning the scan address if a student used a boarding card that wasn’t the original one they were issued (such as if the student had been given a second card with a different ID number).
- For customers scanning via the mobile app, fixed an issue that wasn’t storing student scans correctly for the new PvA engine.
- Fixed an issue with the Navigation Assignment screen that wasn’t recognizing an applied filter in the Nav Disabled grid when selecting the check box to choose all the displayed vehicles; so if the user clicked Enable Nav for Vehicle, ALL the vehicles would be moved to the Nav Enabled list (not just the ones in the group that had been filtered to).