K-12 Telematics (https://login.synovia.com)

  • Changed the site name from “Synovia” to “K-12 Telematics.”


  • On the K-12 Telematics site, fixed issues with the Uninspected Vehicles report: results not appearing, the Count column showing inflated numbers, and drill-down reports not working. In addition, the report will now correctly show data only for vehicles that were in motion (that have a GPS record in Vehicle History for the date in question).
  • On the K-12 Telematics site, fixed an issue with the Inspection Results Details screen that was displaying Drawing items made from a cell phone sideways.

Time and Attendance

  • On the Employee Properties screen, added validation that will prevent users from saving property categories and option names with empty values.
  • Removed the Assign Employees icon from the Employee Properties screen for users who don’t have view or edit permissions for departments.
  • Fixed a bug with the Edit Employee screen’s Clear ID button that was setting the previous assignment’s end time to the current time instead of 23:59:59, which was causing overlapping issues for the new assignment ID.
  • Fixed an issue with requesting time off through the TAA Portal that was producing an error for an employee who attempted to request a day off that was previously denied if the approver denied it due to lack of information.


  • Added validation that will prevent sending the same property keys for a vehicle when using /vehicle/createupdate (which will stop those calls from creating duplicate records).
  • Added a new method that will create a new student, /student/add, with required parameters studentDistrictID, firstName, and lastName and optional parameters school and group.
  • Changed /vehicle/createupdate from requiring the parameter primaryGroupId if it’s being using to just update the vehicle.
  • Fixed an issue with licensing (JSON API access was turned on but not the follow-up permissions for methods), so customers’ requests were failing.