Synovia Site (

  • Changed the customer Admin roles to automatically have Can Edit privileges for the Route Sets screen so that all Admin users will be able to edit and create Route Sets.
  • Fixed an issue with mapping vehicle history on the Vehicle History screen and then exporting to PDF that would place the columns out of order and the data in the wrong spots.


  • In Synovia, added Edit as a top-right option to the Inspection Results Details screen, which will enable users with Can Edit rights to change results with these types of fields: Text, Number, Date, Pass/Fail, and Odometer. (Drawing fields cannot be modified. Currently, attachments are also not editable, but that feature is planned for a future release.)

    If a user edits the inspection this way, at the top of the Details screen will be the text “Edited on [date and time] by Username.”

    NOTE: A super admin must turn on the Edit feature for your account on the Settings screen, using the new setting Allow Inspection Results Editing. 

Synovia JSON API

  • Fixed an issue that was causing vehicle creation (via vehicle/createupdate) to fail if a vehicle property was empty in the request, even if that property wasn’t required.