Synovia Site (

  • Improved the process for changing a vehicle’s group assignment for customers using certain vehicle properties with the Time data type. Previously, if a user updated the group and saved on the Assign Group screen, if they didn’t save again on the Edit Vehicle screen, a Work in Progress (WiP) task would be created for Edit Vehicle (although the group reassignment would take place). Now, when they are returned to the Edit Vehicle screen, the save option will not be enabled (if no other vehicle property changes are made), so no WiP task will be added.
  • Added GPS Antenna Issue, GPS Freeze Issue, Grouped Input Wiring Issue, Ignition Wiring Issue, Input Wiring Issue, and Missed Daily Diagnostics to the Event filter on the parameters screen for the alert reports (such as Event Alert Daily Details by Vehicle); previously, those types of alert events weren’t being included.
  • On the Vehicles screen, fixed a bug with the Last Modified By and Last Modified Date columns not showing the most recent changes if the group and ESN were updated.

Comparative Analysis (new PvA Engine)

  • Added support for substitutions made via operator panels.

Student Ridership

  • Built integration with the boarding card provider CI Solutions. Now Synovia will support receiving boarding card information from them via API.
  • On the Boarding Cards tab of the Students screen, added two new columns: Updated By and Last Update Date.

Time and Attendance (in the Synovia Interface)

  • On the Shift Exceptions screen, added a Department column to the right pane (for both the Shift Exceptions and Schedule Exceptions options).
  • Fixed an issue that wasn’t sending notifications to employees when their approved time cards were modified, their passwords were changed, or an absence request was approved, despite these toggles being selected on the Calculations tab of TAA System Settings.