Synovia Site (
- For consortium customers, on the Edit Group screen, changed the name of the Consortium drop-down list to “District Served.”
- Expanded the capabilities of the Speed Graph report to include historical devices in the output.
- Fixed an issue with the Student Schedule screen (which you access by searching for a student and then clicking the View Schedule icon on the Students tab) that was displaying the PM stops before the AM stops.
Comparative Analysis
- Added “Legacy” to the names of the current PvA screens, reports, and tooltips (such as “Planned vs. Actual by Stop Legacy”), in preparation for moving the pilot PvA engine out of beta.
Beta Planned vs. Actual Engine
- Made the new PvA engine live for all CA customers.
- Removed “Beta” from the names of all the beta PvA screens, reports, and tooltips (so what had been called “Substitutions Beta” is now just “Substitutions”).
- Made it possible to substitute stops and tiers from more than one original vehicle to the same target bus.
- Fixed a bug that wasn’t processing edited substitutions correctly, so if a tier from a bus was previously moved to a substitute bus but then moved back to the original vehicle, the target vehicle would still have the tier included as part of its route.
- On the Active Tiers screen, fixed a bug that was displaying incorrect values for the Total Stops column for source vehicles, not reflecting the tiers that had been substituted out.
Here Comes the Bus
- Fixed an issue with the Edit Notification Radius screen in the app and that would display the error “No Map Data Found,” even though the Map screen showed the map.