Synovia Site (
- Added validation to the Assign Groups screen (accessible via System Administration >> Vehicles) that will prompt the user to select a primary group (as ALL vehicles must have a primary group assignment). Also, made sure that users couldn’t unassign vehicles from the All Vehicles group.
- Fixed an issue with the Hardware Dashboard’s GPS Issues widget reporting an incorrect count of vehicles that had trouble connecting to a GPS satellite over the last seven days, due to duplicates appearing in the results of the report feeding it data.
Comparative Analysis
Beta Planned vs. Actual Engine
- On the Active Tiers screen, froze the Stops column headers for an expanded list of substitutions (so that when users scroll down to see all the current stop details, the headers will remain visible).
- Fixed a performance issue that wouldn’t load data on the beta Substitutions screen if a large number of substitutions had been created for the day.
- For consortium customers, fixed an issue that wasn’t showing the same number of vehicles on the Active Tiers screen as on the old version of the Substitutions screen.
Time and Attendance (in the Synovia Interface)
- Added validation to the Export Time screen that will prompt users if they attempt to approve shifts that have already been approved with the message “The time in the selected date range is already approved.” Added similar validation to the time card if users click the Approve Time button when the shifts have already been approved.
- Fixed an issue with the GPS Reference Data grid on employees’ time cards that was showing multiple exit events for the same vehicle at the same time at different locations.
- Fixed a bug with the Absence History area of the Absences screen that was displaying “0” for the edit Hours field even though the history grid showed an Hrs value for the absence.
Synovia JSON API
- Added two new calls to create and view boarding cards, hctb/boardingcards/createupdate and hctb/boardingcards/details.