Synovia Site (

  • Fixed an issue that was preventing text and email alerts from being sent out and from appearing in the banner icon or on the Alerts screen.
  • For Chrome users, fixed a global issue since its last update that wasn’t allowing users to sort columns.
  • On the Edit Role screen, fixed a user interface issue with the warning dialog box that appears when deleting a role that placed the Yes button partially outside the box.

Comparative Analysis

     Beta Planned vs. Actual Engine

  • Added an automatic role update for the beta PvA engine that will give roles that had access to the Route Monitor, School Monitor, and Substitutions screens rights to the beta versions of the pages (plus the Active Tiers screen) when the beta license is activated. Reports rights and read/write access will be carried over as well.

Time and Attendance (in the Synovia Interface)

  • Fixed a bug twith the Payroll Summary report that wasn’t calculating holiday hours, absences, and rounding rules correctly.
  • For Firefox users, fixed a user interface issue with the Edit Employee screen’s Change Password dialog box that placed the Cancel and Change Password buttons outside the box.


  • In Synovia, fixed an issue with the Navigation Assignment screen that wasn’t displaying all the vehicles in the Nav Disabled list (but would display them after a filter was applied that searched for the missing vehicles).