Synovia Site (

  • Added validation for the Navigation license that won’t allow users to add this on the Edit Vehicle screen if the module hasn’t been purchased.
  • On the Vehicles screen, fixed who is reported in the Last Modified By column to be more accurate after an import makes a vehicle change; previously, if a user made a manual edit, their name would be displayed as the modifier even if the import changed something after that. (Now, if the import made the most recent change, Last Modified By will read as System.)
  • For Chrome users, fixed a global issue since its last update that wasn’t allowing users to adjust the width of columns in grids.
  • For consortium customers, fixed an issue with the Edit Location screen that was allowing operators to see vehicles they didn’t have rights to (and appear to allow them to move the vehicles into the yard, even though the validation wouldn’t save the change). Now the validation will make sure that operators see only their vehicles and their yards.


  • In Synovia, added a new report, Uninspected Vehicles, that shows which vehicles did or did not submit an inspection. The columns returned are Vehicle, Form Name, Inspection Complete (with values of Yes and No), and Count, which displays the number of times the inspection was performed that day.

Comparative Analysis

     Beta Planned vs. Actual Engine

  • On the Active Tiers screen, added a link in the Subbed From column that will open the substitution details on a new tab.
  • Fixed an issue with the Planned vs. Actual by Stop Beta screen that was displaying extra stops for both a substitute bus and the original vehicle it picked up tiers from.

Here Comes the Bus

  • On website, changed the wording of the Contact Us message for users who don’t know their school district code to direct them either to their transportation department or to the HCTB Knowledge Base form at Contact Support.