Synovia App
- Fixed an issue that wasn’t displaying the total time correctly for shifts that should be rounded.
Comparative Analysis
Beta Planned vs. Actual Engine
- For consortium customers, added a new column to the Substitutions screen, District.
- For consortium customers, fixed an issue that wasn’t displaying substitutions on the Add/Edit Substitution screen for some districts.
- For consortium customers, fixed a bug with the Active Tiers screen that was allowing users to see data for vehicles in groups they didn’t have access rights to.
- Fixed an issue with the Active Tiers screen that wasn’t displaying the school stop for the original vehicle or for the target tier.
Time and Attendance (in the Synovia Interface)
- For customers using the Individual Scans Export Subtype option (available only with a Generic export), cleaned up the way Lock Time is implemented by removing the On Approval option under Lock Time from the Settings tab of Export Time and making these changes for any shift included in an active batch:
- Made sure that the shifts are unable to be edited (including removing the Split Shift and Delete Shift options), if both the Punch In and Punch Out values were included. If one of those values is missing, the other time field will be editable so that the missing clock-in or clock-out can be added.
- Disabled the Quick Edit and Quick Delete options on the time card.
- In the Export Details area of the Approval Details dialog box, added the batch ID, batch date and time, and the filename.
- In the Approval column, added a lock icon to indicate that is inapplicable; if clicked, it will show the Approval Details dialog box.
- Disabled the Unlock Shift functionality.
- Fixed a bug that was allowing locked shifts to be changed via the Sync to FTE and Sync to Schedule options in the Quick Edit dialog box.