Synovia Site (

  • Added a survey for users that will help CalAmp evaluate how satisfied customers are with our software.
  • On the Vehicle History screen, fixed an issue that was displaying columns in exports to PDF and Excel that customers didn’t have licenses for (such as Protected and Activities).


  • In Synovia, fixed an issue with the Inspection Results screen that was allowing users to see vehicles in groups they weren’t assigned to.
  • In Synovia, fixed an issue with the Inspection Results Details screen that would display the spinner when users clicked a header to sort a column, even if the sort took almost no time. Also improved performance to speed up the sorting time.

Comparative Analysis

  • In the Route Monitor, fixed an issue that would display deviation in relation to status inconsistently. The Deviation value is supposed to show a positive number if a route is running late and a negative number if early, but often vehicles would have large negative numbers for vehicles with statuses of Early, On-Time, Late, and Missed.
  • Fixed a bug with the Bus Substitution by Vehicle report results that was displaying the wrong time in the Created Date column for when substitutions were added.

Time and Attendance (in the Synovia Interface)

  • Changed the Add Shift area of the Edit Time Card screen to be collapsible. (It will be collapsed by default now.) If a user expands it and adds a shift, the Add Shift section will stay expanded.
  • Added a Cancel button to the Add Shift area of the Edit Time Card screen.
  • For manually added/edited shifts, on the Edit Time Card screen, added more data in the Manual Edit column of the Shifts History area; it will now say what clock events were added, when the change was made, and who made the edit (if the user information is available), whereas previously this just had a value of “Punch Out/In.”
  • Made user interface changes to the Absences screen:
    • Users can change the pane sizes by clicking and dragging the green vertical separator line.
    • The Add Absence area is now collapsible (and will be collapsed by default).
    • Added a Cancel button to the Add Absence section.
  • For customers using a Generic export and individual scan batch exports, added shift validation for the export. This includes a new Exclude Shift Exceptions toggle on the Scheduling tab, which, when selected, will exclude any shifts from the export that contain any Invalid Punch ID Assignment, Invalid Job Type Assignment, or Invalid Job Code Assignment exceptions. After a user fixes the exceptions on the Shift Exceptions screen, the punches will be included with the next export run.
    The number of excluded shifts will be displayed on the Scheduled Export History tab.
  • For customers using a Generic export and individual scan batch exports, added an Export Subtype option of Individual Scans Batch to the Settings tab, which will add a Scan Count column to the Scheduled Export History tab (showing the number of scans in the batch) and a new Remove Processed Flag button, which will make the export service reprocess the scans on the next run as if they were new.
  • Fixed a bug with the Standard Time Card and Overtime reports that wasn’t including holiday hours.
  • Fixed an issue with the Missed Punch report that wasn’t returning all the shifts that had a missing clock-in or clock-out (due to the way the job types were recorded in the database).
  • In the Work Monitor, fixed an issue that wasn’t displaying all the employee clock-ins (due to the monitor only displaying certain times of the day, such as AM/Mid/PM).