Synovia Site (

  • Fixed a bug with the Dashboards that was preventing data from appearing on several tiles; instead, they would display, “Data column used in this tile is not available anymore.”
  • Fixed an issue with all reports with a vehicles filter that would display the wrong vehicle count on the results screen in the parameters list.
  • On the map screens, fixed an issue that wasn’t displaying the list of the zones for a zone category when the user clicked its expansion arrow in the Zone Categories selection box.

Comparative Analysis

  • Improved the handling of retiring vehicles for customers whose vehicles are added by the routing system; they can now be retired in the routing software and have that reflected in Synovia. (A validation message will be displayed on the System Administration >> Vehicles screen, reminding users to retire them using the routing system.) On the Mapping screen, the mapping will be removed after the retirement is performed.
  • Fixed a bug on the PvA by Stop screen that was displaying duplicate stops in the Select Stop dialog box.
  • Fixed a bug on the PvA by Stop screen that would list all the stops for a route in the grid even if the user selected only one stop.

Here Comes the Bus

  • In Synovia, on the HCTB >> Parent Import Results screen (only used by school districts that assign HCTB accounts to parents rather than allow them to create their own), fixed the display of the Parent Import Run History grid to show only the number of results chosen in the Show X drop-down list (at the bottom right of the screen).

Time and Attendance (in the Synovia Interface)

  • On the Add/Edit Role screen, added a new privilege to the TAA Privileges tab, Display Employees Without Departments, which will enable users with this selected for their role to view employees who are currently not assigned to a department on the TAA Core >> Employees screen and in the Out of Group list on the TAA System Administration >> Departments >> Department Groups screen. On both screens, the employees can then be assigned to a department.
    CAUTION: All your employees MUST be assigned to a department in order to have their data recorded by TAA and for them to appear in reports, the Work Monitor, and any of the TAA screens.
  • For customers using a Generic export, changed how the Generic Employee Assignments screen is sorted; now it will be primarily sorted by start date, with the most recent on top, and secondarily by job code ascending.
  • Fixed an issue that would display the error message caused by selecting Auto Refresh on the Shift Exceptions screen without having selected any employees or departments on any screen the user navigated to (after they interacted with it for 30 seconds).
  • Fixed a bug that would display the TAA System Administration menu and its Employee Properties option even if the TAA license wasn’t enabled for a customer.